versionID NautilusCD Initialization Utils Arial Arial buttonUp buttonUp edit script buttonUp buttonUp sysHwnd sHwnd sysWindowHandle: sysHwnd 12168ndowHandle: buttonUp buttonUp sysHwnd sHwnd version #::ndle: version enterPage enterPage sysHwnd version versionID enterPage sysHwnd version versionID sInit standardInit tbkmmInitializeSystem viewerInit multimediaInit initNautilus cleanUp nautilusInit devStr statusMsg linkTBKFunctions linkWinFunctions linkMMFunctions tbkDLLPath checkLink myPath addFont myPath standardInit myPath NCDUTILS.SBK linkWinFunctions linkTBKFunctions linkMMFunctions NCDTIMES.FON addFont setDEVELOP DEVELOP withMM multimediaInit standardInit nautilusInit standardInit myPath NCDVWR.SBK ncdINIT withMM linkWinFunctions BringWindowToTop FindByCaption FindWindow FindByClass FindWindow GetWindowlong IsWindow IsWindowVisible PeekMessage PostMessage RegisterWindowMessage SetActiveWindow SetWindowlong ShowWindow checkLink GetDriveType GlobalAlloc GlobalFree GlobalLock GlobalUnlock WinExec GetProfileList GetPrivateProfileString GetProfileString GetPrivateProfileString WritePrivateProfileString SetErrorMode KERNEL checkLink tbkDLLPath TBKWIN.DLL popMenu xPixelsFromUnits xUnitsFromPixels yPixelsFromUnits yUnitsFromPixels yieldApp TBKWIN.DLL checkLink fPath KERNEL linkTBKFunctions tbkDLLPath TBKFILE.DLL CopyFile CreateDirectory FileExists GetDosEnvironmentString GetFileList GetFileSize GetFileAttributes MoveFile RemoveFile SetCurrentDirectory SetCurrentDrive SetFileAttributes TBKFILE.DLL checkLink TBKDLG.DLL openDlg dialog setValue getValue TBKDLG.DLL checkLink setPath fPath linkMMFunctions pathName homeTBK pathName NCDMM.SBK NCDMM.SBK Unable to find NCD.SBK tbkMMInitializeSystem mhTest mmTBK mmDir mhSuspend tbkmmInitializeSystem tbkDLLPath TBKMM.DLL tbkmmloadextensions tbkmmversion tbkmmerrorstring tbkMCI tbkTimerStart tbkTimerStop tbkTimerCapability MilliSecFromMSF MilliSecFromHMS MilliSecFromSMPTE MSFFromMilliSec HMSFromMilliSec SMPTEFromMilliSec tbkMMTranslate tbkGetWindowRect tbkPositionWindow tbkCenterWindow TBKMM.DLL link failed tbkmmloadextensions tbkmmerrorstring s_mmdevices s_mminit fPath mmDir tbkDLLPath pathName homeTBK pathName TBKFILE.DLL DLLname pathList tbkDLLs checkLink A problem occurred while linking that DLL. Please check that you have installed Nautilus correctly (or verify that this DLL is located in a directory which is on the DOS path). dList dllName addFont AddFontResource AddFontResource ncdFont fName viewerInit J devStr viewerInit: toolsViewer 9nautilusInit 9nautilusInit myPath MH_DEV.SBK viewerType viewerStyle registerViewer Dialog setStyle setStyle RemoveMenuItemsByPos 4,3,2,1 J devStr viewerSetup mainwindow: viewerStyle vStyle vType initNautilus o06cleanUp 9nautilusInit myPath NCD.SBK \?initINI initPrefs initMenus ncdINI STARTUP customMax INIEntryStr maxWindow HelpTopicStr WinHelp HelpTopicNum WinHelp default cleanUp exitAllViewers DEVELOP devStr DEVELOP statusMsg